Sonoff / Tasmota mit OpenHAB 2.4 MQTT
In OpenHAB 2.4 wurde die Anbindung an MQTT umgestellt. Es sieht jetzt alle wesentlich strukturierter aus – man muss aber alles in OpenHAB umstellen.
Für die SONOFF Geräte verwende ich die firmware von Theo Arends. Es werden viele Geräte unterstützt und das ganze ist sehr gut dokumentiert.
Hier gehe ichbewusst den Weg über die Text-Dateien und nicht über Paper-UI. Bei jedem Upgrade, setze ich das System neu auf. Mir ist noch nicht klar, wie man die Konfiguration aus PaperUI in ein neues System übertragen kann. Bei den Text-Dateien geht dies aber problemlos.
MQTT Bridge definieren
Hier legt man die Anbindung an den MQTT Broker fest. In einigen Beispielen sieht man hier auch die Definition der MQTT Things. Davon rate ich ab, da es zu einem seltsamen Effekt beim Aufbau des Systems kommt: Wenn man eine kleine Änderung an den Things vornimmt, aktualisiert sich das System entweder nicht, oder mit einer langen Verzögerung, da jedes mal die Bridge neu definiert wird. Wenn das separat erfolgt (in zwei Dateien) werden Änderungen an den Things sofort übernommen und sichtbar.
[codesyntax lang=”javascript”]
// bridge.things // Bridge mqtt:broker:MqttPandora20 "MQTT Broker Pandora" @ "MQTT Pandora" [ host="", port=1883, secure="AUTO", qos=0, retain=false, clientid="Oh2Mqtt2Thing", //certificate="", //certificatepin=false, //publickey="", //publickeypin=false, keep_alive_time=30000, reconnect_time=60000, //lastwill_message="", //lastwill_qos=1, //lastwill_topic="", username="mqttuser", password="mqttpw" ]
MQTT Things definieren
Zuerst kann man sich die Nachrichten mit MQTT.fx ansehen. Daraus lassen sich die Channels ableiten:
MQTT Nachrichten
[codesyntax lang=”javascript”]
house/light1/cmnd/sonoff/POWER house/light1/stat/sonoff/RESULT {"POWER":"OFF"} house/light1/tele/sonoff/LWT offline house/light1/tele/sonoff/INFO1 {"Module":"Sonoff Basic","Version":"6.3.0","FallbackTopic":"DVES_420674","GroupTopic":"sonoffs"} house/light1/tele/sonoff/INFO2 {"WebServerMode":"Admin","Hostname":"sonoff-1652","IPAddress":""} house/light1/tele/sonoff/INFO3 {"RestartReason":"Power on"} house/trockner/tele/sonoff/STATE {"Time":"2018-12-27T08:27:01","Uptime":"6T12:16:27","Vcc":3.514,"POWER":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"A-Team","BSSId":"C0:25:06:F4:D2:C9","Channel":1,"RSSI":82}} house/trockner/tele/sonoff/SENSOR {"Time":"2018-12-27T08:27:01", "ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":"2018-12-20T19:52:03","Total":0.000,"Yesterday":0.000,"Today":0.000,"Period":0, "Power":0,"ApparentPower":0,"ReactivePower":0,"Factor":0.00,"Voltage":0,"Current":0.000}}
[codesyntax lang=”javascript”]
Thing mqtt:topic:SonoffPs02_thg "Sonoff POW Switch 02" (mqtt:broker:MqttPandora20) @ "MQTT" { Channels: Type switch : PowerSwitch "Power Switch 02" [ stateTopic="house/trockner/stat/sonoff/POWER", commandTopic=" house/trockner/stat/sonoff/cmnd/POWER", on="ON", off="OFF" ] Type switch : PowerSwitchRes "Switch State 02" [ stateTopic="house/trockner/stat/sonoff/RESULT", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.POWER",on="ON",off="OFF"] Type string : Version "Version 02" [ stateTopic="house/trockner/tele/sonoff/INFO1", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Version"] Type string : fallback "fallback topic" [ stateTopic="house/trockner/tele/sonoff/INFO1", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.FallbackTopic"] Type string : hostname "hostname " [ stateTopic="house/trockner/tele/sonoff/INFO2", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Hostname"] Type string : IP "IP " [ stateTopic="house/trockner/tele/sonoff/INFO2", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.IPAddress"] Type string : time "Time" [ stateTopic="house/trockner/tele/sonoff/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Time" ] Type string : uptime "Uptime" [ stateTopic="house/trockner/tele/sonoff/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Uptime" ] Type number : vcc "VCC" [ stateTopic="house/trockner/tele/sonoff/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Vcc" ] Type string : wifi-ap "Wifi AP" [ stateTopic="house/trockner/tele/sonoff/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Wifi.AP" ] Type string : wifi-ssid "Wifi SSID" [ stateTopic="house/trockner/tele/sonoff/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Wifi.SSId" ] Type string : wifi-channel "Wifi Channel" [ stateTopic="house/trockner/tele/sonoff/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Wifi.Channel" ] Type string : wifi-rssi "Wifi RSSI" [ stateTopic="house/trockner/tele/sonoff/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Wifi.RSSI" ] Type string : SensorTime "Sensor Time" [ stateTopic="house/trockner/tele/sonoff/SENSOR", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Time" ] Type string : POW-startTime "POW Start Time" [ stateTopic="house/trockner/tele/sonoff/SENSOR", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ENERGY.TotalStartTime" ] Type string : POW-Total "POW Total" [ stateTopic="house/trockner/tele/sonoff/SENSOR", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ENERGY.Total" ] Type string : POW-Voltage "POW Voltage" [ stateTopic="house/trockner/tele/sonoff/SENSOR", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ENERGY.Voltage" ] Type string : devicestate "Device State" [ stateTopic="house/trockner/tele/sonoff/LWT" ] } // end of thing Thing mqtt:topic:SonoffPs01_thg "Sonoff Power Switch 01" (mqtt:broker:MqttPandora20) @ "MQTT" { Channels: Type switch : PowerSwitch "Power Switch 01" [ stateTopic="house/light1/stat/sonoff/POWER", commandTopic=" house/light1/stat/sonoff/cmnd/POWER", on="ON", off="OFF" ] Type switch : PowerSwitchRes "Switch State 01" [ stateTopic="house/light1/stat/sonoff/RESULT", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.POWER",on="ON",off="OFF"] Type string : Version "Version 01" [ stateTopic="house/light1/tele/sonoff/INFO1", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Version"] Type string : fallback "fallback topic" [ stateTopic="house/light1/tele/sonoff/INFO1", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.FallbackTopic"] Type string : hostname "hostname " [ stateTopic="house/light1/tele/sonoff/INFO2", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Hostname"] Type string : IP "IP " [ stateTopic="house/light1/tele/sonoff/INFO2", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.IPAddress"] Type string : time "Time" [ stateTopic="house/light1/tele/sonoff/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Time" ] Type string : uptime "Uptime" [ stateTopic="house/light1/tele/sonoff/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Uptime" ] Type number : vcc "VCC" [ stateTopic="house/light1/tele/sonoff/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Vcc" ] Type string : wifi-ap "Wifi AP" [ stateTopic="house/light1/tele/sonoff/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Wifi.AP" ] Type string : wifi-ssid "Wifi SSID" [ stateTopic="house/light1/tele/sonoff/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Wifi.SSId" ] Type string : wifi-channel "Wifi Channel" [ stateTopic="house/light1/tele/sonoff/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Wifi.Channel" ] Type string : wifi-rssi "Wifi RSSI" [ stateTopic="house/light1/tele/sonoff/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Wifi.RSSI" ] Type string : devicestate "Device State" [ stateTopic="house/light1/tele/sonoff/LWT" ] } // end of thing
MQTT Items
Hier werden die Channels an ein item gebunden. Die Gruppen könne für die Speicherung (persitance) und die Anzheige (sitempas) verwendet werden.
[codesyntax lang=”javascript”]
// sonoff.items // itemname ["labeltext"] [<iconname>] [(group1, group2, ...)] [{bindingconfig}] // Itead SONOFF - Tasmoto // /************************************************** Gruppen ********************************************/ Group gSonoffSwitches "SONOFF Sensors" // used for chart Group gSonoffSw1 "sonoff switch 1" Group gSonoffSw1Info "sonoff Info 1" Group gSonoffSw2 "sonoff switch 2" Group gSonoffSw2Info "sonoff Info 2" /************************************************** Items ********************************************/ String Switch_TH_Temperatur "Temperatur [%s °C]" <temperature> { channel="mqtt:topic:myMQTTBroker:sonoff_TH_Thing:Temperature"} /* Lighting Room1 */ Switch SonoffPs01Switch_Switch "SPS01 Switch 1" (gSonoffSw1) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs01_thg:PowerSwitch" } Switch SonoffPs01Switch_State "SPS01 State 1" (gSonoffSw1) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs01_thg:PowerSwitchRes"} Number SonoffPs01Switch_Vcc "SPS01 VCC [%s]" (gSonoffSw1Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs01_thg:vcc" } String SonoffPs01Switch_WifiAp "SPS01 Wifi AP [%s]" (gSonoffSw1Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs01_thg:wifi-ap" } String SonoffPs01Switch_WifiSsid "SPS01 Wifi SSID [%s]" (gSonoffSw1Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs01_thg:wifi-ssid" } String SonoffPs01Switch_WifiChannel "SPS01 Wifi Channel [%s]" (gSonoffSw1Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs01_thg:wifi-channel" } String SonoffPs01Switch_WifiRssi "SPS01 Wifi RSSI [%s]" (gSonoffSw1Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs01_thg:wifi-rssi" } String SonoffPs01Switch_Uptime "SPS01 Uptime" (gSonoffSw1Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs01_thg:uptime" } String SonoffPs01Switch_Time "SPS01 Time" (gSonoffSw1Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs01_thg:time" } String SonoffPs01Switch_Version "SPS01 Version [%s]" (gSonoffSw1Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs01_thg:Version" } String SonoffPs01Switch_Hostname "SPS01 Hostname [%s]" (gSonoffSw1Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs01_thg:hostname" } String SonoffPs01Switch_IP "SPS01 IP [%s]" (gSonoffSw1Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs01_thg:IP" } String SonoffPs01Switch_DeviceState "SPS01 Device State" (gSonoffSw1Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs01_thg:devicestate" } String SonoffPs01Switch_SensorTime "SPS01 Sensor Time" (gSonoffSw1) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs01_thg:SensorTime" } /* Trockner */ Switch SonoffPs02Switch_Switch "SPs02 Switch 1" (gSonoffSw2) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs02_thg:PowerSwitch" } Switch SonoffPs02Switch_State "SPs02 State 1" (gSonoffSw2) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs02_thg:PowerSwitchRes"} Number SonoffPs02Switch_Vcc "SPs02 VCC [%s]" (gSonoffSw2Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs02_thg:vcc" } String SonoffPs02Switch_WifiAp "SPs02 Wifi AP [%s]" (gSonoffSw2Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs02_thg:wifi-ap" } String SonoffPs02Switch_WifiSsid "SPs02 Wifi SSID [%s]" (gSonoffSw2Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs02_thg:wifi-ssid" } String SonoffPs02Switch_WifiChannel "SPs02 Wifi Channel [%s]" (gSonoffSw2Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs02_thg:wifi-channel" } String SonoffPs02Switch_WifiRssi "SPs02 Wifi RSSI [%s]" (gSonoffSw2Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs02_thg:wifi-rssi" } String SonoffPs02Switch_Uptime "SPs02 Uptime" (gSonoffSw2Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs02_thg:uptime" } String SonoffPs02Switch_Time "SPs02 Time" (gSonoffSw2Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs02_thg:time" } String SonoffPs02Switch_Version "SPs02 Version [%s]" (gSonoffSw2Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs02_thg:Version" } String SonoffPs02Switch_Hostname "SPs02 Hostname [%s]" (gSonoffSw2Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs02_thg:hostname" } String SonoffPs02Switch_IP "SPs02 IP [%s]" (gSonoffSw2Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs02_thg:IP" } String SonoffPs02Switch_DeviceState "SPs02 Device State" (gSonoffSw2Info) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs02_thg:devicestate" } String SonoffPs02Switch_SensorTime "SPs02 Sensor Time" (gSonoffSw2) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs02_thg:SensorTime" } String SonoffPs02Switch_POW_startTime "SPS02 POW Start Time" (gSonoffSw2) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs02_thg:POW-startTime" } String SonoffPs02Switch_POW_Today "SPS02 POW Today" (gSonoffSw2) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs02_thg:POW-Total" } String SonoffPs02Switch_POW_Voltage "SPS02 POW Voltage" (gSonoffSw2) { channel="mqtt:topic:SonoffPs02_thg:POW-Voltage" }
MQTT Sitemap
[codesyntax lang="javascript"]
// meinHeim.sitemap // list of icons: sitemap sonoff label="Sonoff Devices" { Frame label="sonoff Licht 01" { Switch item=SonoffPs01Switch_Switch Switch item=SonoffPs01Switch_State Group item=gSonoffSw1Info Text item=SonoffPs01Switch_SensorTime } // end of Frame Frame label="sonoff Trockner" { Switch item=SonoffPs02Switch_Switch Switch item=SonoffPs02Switch_State Group item=gSonoffSw2Info Text item=SonoffPs02Switch_SensorTime Text item=SonoffPs02Switch_POW_Today Text item=SonoffPs02Switch_POW_Voltage Text item=SonoffPs02Switch_POW_startTime } // end of Frame } // end of sitemap
Pingback: OpenHAB 2 - zentraler Knoten im Haus - Thomas Höser
Top. Kurz und knapp alles was man zu mqtt bei openhab braucht.
Vielleicht noch zwei Hinweise:
1) Für jsonpath braucht ma ein addon in addons.cfg
“transformation = jsonpath”
2) openhab 2.5 is wesentlich stabilerals 2.4 und einige mqtt Fehler sind behoben.
Mir hat jsonpath geholfen, in den Foren steht mir manchmal zuviel altes Zeug.
Thx. Helmut
Danke für das Lob.
Die Foren sind für spezielle Probleme hilfreich, für den Einstieg aber eher verwirrend.
Für Analyse der MQTT-Meldungen verwende ich mittlerweile fast nur noch den MQTT Explorer:
Wäre bitte mal jemand so lieb und zeigt mir, wie das Thing bzw. die Einstellungen dazu für die Voltage-anzeige(Bspw.) in der Paper UI aussieht.
Ich weiß leider nicht, wie ich dort die Transformation bediene um mir dort gezielt einen Wert aus der ganzen SENSORS-Message zu ziehen und ggf. zu formatieren.
Ich nutze den internen MQTT Broker, OH und restliche Software auf dem neuesten Stand falls das hierfür relvant ist.
So sehen die Messages im Plain Text aus:
Hallo Mick,
vielleicht hilft Dir folgender Beitrag weiter:
Viele Grüße,