ATtiny85 Interrupt basierend auf PinChange Interrupt Library 

6. April 2015 at 09:55

Der ATtiny85 bietet einen Hardware Interrupt INT0 auf dem PIN PB2.

Dieser kann mit folgender Funktion zugewiesen werden:

[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]

  attachInterrupt(0,wakeUpFunction, LOW); // use interrupt 0 (pin 2) and run 
                                          // function wakeUpFunction when pin 2 gets LOW


Wenn mehrere PINs per Interrupt ausgewertet werden sollen, muss man ein SW-Interrupt verwenden.

Im arduino Forum habe ich ein funktionierendes Beispiel gefunden:

Folgend die Elemente in der Reihenfolge, wie sie aufgerufen werden:

Include + declarations

[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]

#include "Arduino.h"                 // required for eclipse IDE
#include <PinChangeInterrupt.h>

#define USVActive   0                // Pin5 - Input
#define BUTTON_DOWN 2                // Pin7 - Input

// flags to indicate if interrupt has been detected
volatile boolean flagIntUSV = false; 
volatile boolean flagIntBUT = false;





[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]

pinMode(BUTTON_DOWN, INPUT_PULLUP); // ISR-PIN reading Button
pinMode(USVActive, INPUT);          // ISR-Pin reading digital value

attachPcInterrupt(BUTTON_DOWN, ButtonInterrupt ,FALLING ); // assign ISR: ButtonInterrupt ()
attachPcInterrupt(USVActive, USVInterrupt ,FALLING ); // assign ISR: USVInterrupt ()




[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]

void loop() {
 if (flagIntUSV) USVHandler(); // if ISR has set ISR-Flag: call dedicated function to do something
 if (flagIntBUT) BUTHandler();
 sleepNow();                   // sleep function called here; the program will go to sleep here and wait for interrupt


sleep() – this function will send tiny to sleep and wait for interrupt

[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]

void sleepNow() // here we put the arduino to sleep
 set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); // the most power savings sleep mode is set here

 sleep_enable(); // enables the sleep bit in the mcucr register
 // so sleep is possible. just a safety pin

 attachPcInterrupt(BUTTON_DOWN, ButtonInterrupt ,FALLING );
 attachPcInterrupt(USVActive, USVInterrupt ,FALLING ); // CHANGE
 sleep_mode(); // here the device is actually put to sleep!!

 sleep_disable(); // first thing after waking from sleep:




ButtonInterrupt() – this function will be called if interrupt is deteced and set flag

[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]

void ButtonInterrupt(void) {
 volatile long lastMicros = micros() - prevIntBUT;
 prevIntBUT = micros();
 if (lastMicros >10000) { // debounce 10ms



BUTHandler() – this function will called from main loop –

[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]

void BUTHandler(void) {

 // do something
 Serial.print("-------- Button pressed ");
 attachPcInterrupt(BUTTON_DOWN, ButtonInterrupt ,FALLING );
