arduino Leanordo Midi Drum Kit

26. November 2016 at 16:45

Inspired by the great tutorial from on instructables, I have adopted the project using a Leonardo.

The main objective was to get rid of the USB-Midi cable and just use a Leonardo instead of an Arduino Uno or Nano.
The constraint is, that the Leonardo won’t provide the MIDI functionally out of the box.
You would need to use a special core called TeeOnArdu.
The one on github did not work out of the box, so I have used the one from Adafruit.

The setup in eclipse is described in another post here:



This is the first protoype using a Leonardo board with the green shield on the right.
The shield is only used to avoid a breadboard and provide connectors/plugs.

Anyway – the wiring is pretty straight forward as visible in the instructable mentioned at the very top.



This is the version using a Pro Micro – but still the same code:

The original code has been slightly updated to use the build-in MIDI functions.

[codesyntax lang=“c“]

/* This code is placed in the public domain by its author, Ian Harvey
 * October 2016.
 * update by Thomas Hoeser to Leonardo based on TeensyCore
 * December 2016

#include <Wire.h>

#define LED_Status 2 // Pin for status LED (shows piezo got hit)
#define LED_HeartBeat 3 // PWM Pin for heartbeat LED (shows code is working)
int brightness = 0; // how bright the LED is
int fadeAmount = 5; // how many points to fade the LED by

uint8_t heart = 0; // Heartbeat LED counter
unsigned long prevReadTime = 0L; // Keypad polling timer
uint8_t note = 0;

// On MIDI Channel 10, each MIDI Note number ("Key#") corresponds to a different drum sound, as shown below
const int MIDI_CHANNEL=10;

const int NCHANNELS = 4;
const int inPins[NCHANNELS] = { A0, A1, A2, A3 };
const int midiNotes[NCHANNELS] =
 // Follows General MIDI specs at
 36, // C3, Kick
 38, // D3, Snare
 42, // F#3, Closed hi-hat
 46, // A#3. Open hi-hat

35 Acoustic Bass Drum 36 Bass Drum 1 37 Side Stick 38 Acoustic Snare
39 Hand Clap 40 Electric Snare 41 Low Floor Tom 42 Closed Hi Hat
43 High Floor Tom 44 Pedal Hi-Hat 45 Low Tom 46 Open Hi-Hat
47 Low-Mid Tom 48 Hi-Mid Tom 49 Crash Cymbal 1 50 High Tom
51 Ride Cymbal 1 52 Chinese Cymbal

const int thresholdLevel[NCHANNELS] = { 30, 30, 30, 30 }; // ADC reading to trigger; lower => more sensitive
const long int maxLevel[NCHANNELS] = { 400, 400, 400, 400 }; // ADC reading for full velocity; lower => more sensitive

static unsigned int vmax[NCHANNELS] = { 0 };
static unsigned int trigLevel[NCHANNELS];
static unsigned int counter[NCHANNELS] = { 0 };

static unsigned int CTR_NOTEON = 10; // Roughly 5ms sampling peak voltage
static unsigned int CTR_NOTEOFF = CTR_NOTEON + 30; // Duration roughly 15ms
// 0 -> not triggered
// 1..CTR_NOTEON -> sampling note on
// CTR_NOTEON+1 .. CTR_NOTEOFF -> note off

void setup() {

 pinMode(LED_HeartBeat, OUTPUT);
 digitalWrite(LED_HeartBeat, LOW);
 pinMode(LED_Status, OUTPUT);
 digitalWrite(LED_Status, LOW);

 for (int i = 0; i < NCHANNELS; i++)
 pinMode(inPins[i], INPUT);
 trigLevel[i] = thresholdLevel[i];

 /* show module is ready for use */
 digitalWrite(LED_Status, HIGH);
 analogWrite (LED_HeartBeat, 80);
 digitalWrite(LED_Status, LOW);
 analogWrite (LED_HeartBeat, 160);
 digitalWrite(LED_Status, HIGH);
 analogWrite (LED_HeartBeat, 254);
 digitalWrite(LED_Status, LOW);
 analogWrite (LED_HeartBeat, 0);

} // void setup()

void loop() {
 unsigned long t = millis();
 int ch;

 // if((t - prevReadTime) >= 20L) { // 20ms = min Trellis poll time

 for (ch=0; ch < NCHANNELS; ch++) // Drums: NCHANNELS=4
 unsigned int aVal = analogRead(inPins[ch]);
 if ( counter[ch] == 0 )
 if ( aVal >= trigLevel[ch] )
 vmax[ch] = aVal;
 counter[ch] = 1;
 digitalWrite(LED_Status, HIGH);
 } // if counter[ch] == 0
 if ( aVal > vmax[ch] )
 vmax[ch] = aVal;

 if ( counter[ch] == CTR_NOTEON )
 long int vel = ((long int)vmax[ch]*127)/maxLevel[ch];
 if (vel < 5) vel = 5;
 if (vel > 127) vel = 127;
 // usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(note, velocity, channel)
 usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(midiNotes[ch], vel, MIDI_CHANNEL);
 trigLevel[ch] = vmax[ch];
 else if ( counter[ch] >= CTR_NOTEOFF )
 usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(midiNotes[ch], 0, MIDI_CHANNEL);
 counter[ch] = 0;
 digitalWrite(LED_Status, LOW);
 } // else counter[ch] == 0

 // The signal from the piezo is a damped oscillation decaying with
 // time constant 8-10ms. Prevent false retriggering by raising
 // trigger level when first triggered, then decaying it to the
 // threshold over several future samples.
 trigLevel[ch] = ((trigLevel[ch] * 19) + (thresholdLevel[ch] * 1)) / 20;

 prevReadTime = t;
 analogWrite(LED_HeartBeat, brightness); // set the brightness
 brightness = brightness + fadeAmount; // change the brightness for next time
 if (brightness == 0 || brightness == 255) { // reverse the direction of the fading at the ends of the fade
 fadeAmount = -fadeAmount ;

 //} // if t - prevReadTime) >= 20L

 while(; // Discard incoming MIDI messages

} // void loop()

/* Here's the set of MIDI functions for making your own projects:

 usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(note, velocity, channel)
 usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(note, velocity, channel)
 usbMIDI.sendPolyPressure(note, pressure, channel)
 usbMIDI.sendControlChange(control, value, channel)
 usbMIDI.sendProgramChange(program, channel)
 usbMIDI.sendAfterTouch(pressure, channel)
 usbMIDI.sendPitchBend(value, channel)
 usbMIDI.sendSysEx(length, array)

 Some info on MIDI note numbers can be found here:

 Rather than MIDI, one could theoretically try using Serial to
 create a sketch compatible with serialosc or monomeserial, but
 those tools have proven notoriously unreliable thus far. */
